sonho um

sonho um
Esse foi o meu sonho: eu estava caminhando ao redor da casa de campo quando vi ao longe, à um milhão de milhas de distância, uma árvore. Sem pensar caminhei para vê-la de perto. Caminhei e caminhei e caminhei até ficar cansada, então bebi um pouco de água e continuei caminhando. Finalmente cheguei à árvore e contemplei-a de frente. Mas como já disse anteriormente, sem pensar e sem ouvir a mim mesma eu comecei a subir a árvore. Subi por horas até chegar ao topo. Quando finalmente cheguei ao topo dessa árvore fiquei contente em haver subido. Lá de cima eu via tudo. Eu vi o Empire State Building, eu vi a Torre Eiffel, eu vi o mundo inteiro e foi muito impressionante. E então acordei.
sonho dois

sonho dois
I was living on my old block in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. It’s the block I grew up on and was really “home.” There was a house across the street from my house. It was a white house #91 and it had a short stone wall around the front yard.
This is my dream. I was across the street in front of the house I lived in and looking across at the white house #91. On the short stone wall that surrounded the front yard was a woman dressed in black from head to toe. She had on a long black dress, black shoes and a black bonnet. She was laying on her back, length-wise, on top of the wall. Her face was lit up in a bright, bright yellow glow and she seemed to be dead. Her body was straight along the wall with her hands across her chest and she was still.
I remember that dream scared me the night I dreamt it – and that was a long time ago. I must have been in my teens – and I still remember the sight of that women laying on the wall.